The Moon River Brewery will once again open its doors to paranormal enthusiasts as...
American’s favorite paranormal duo, Adam Berry and Amy Bruni, is back in action as...
Did Syfy Channel just cancel Ghost Hunters? Cryptic Social Network posts from Jason Hawes...
Syfy Channel announced that it has acquired an eight part unscripted reality paranormal show... has just learned from a Press Release from paranormal events leader, Ghost Hunt...
Happening on January 31, 2015, the ghost hunting event in one of Florida’s popular... has learned that Britt Griffith, from Syfy Channel’s show Ghost Hunters will not... has just learned from a press release from Deadline|Hollywood, that Amy Bruni and...
Tonight’s all new Ghost Hunters, airing on Syfy Channel January 29, 2014 at 9:00... has has learned from a blog post from Grant Wilsons personal website on...