January 25, 2025
Syfy Channel's Haunting:Australia

Syfy Channel announced that it has acquired an eight part unscripted reality paranormal show that airs in Australia called “Haunting:Australia”

The paranormal show that will air next month, features Rob Demarest from Ghost Hunters International along with 5 other ghost hunters from around the world, as they join up and search for activity in the land down-under.Haunting Australia

Syfy Channel made a deal with Flame Distribution for this and other shows, Flame Distribution is the sales arm of New South Wales based production company Flame Productions.

There is rumor in the air that due to the huge drop in viewers of Syfy’s flagship series, “Ghost Hunters” and the departing of half of Ghost Hunters cast from the show last season, that this and other international acquisitions of shows could be the end of the 10 season strong Ghost Hunters franchise.

With no announcement from Syfy on when new Ghost Hunters episodes will be released, and the cancellation of several shows on Syfy, could Ghost Hunters be next?


Let us know what you think by adding your comment below.

Tommy Lundell, Paranormal Journalist, will be checking in with GhostHuntersFans.com readers each week as the season progresses. 

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65 thoughts on “Syfy Adding Australian Ghost Shows, is this the end of Ghost Hunters?

  1. If Ghost Hunters goes off the air I will NO longer watch Syfy channel. That is one of the best shows on tv and there is absolutely no reason to cancel just because Amy and Adam left.

    1. why i have watched ghost hunters from the start too but lets face it they have been on a long time and everything must come to an end. Maybe they wanted to retire too

    2. I still enjoy ghosthunters ,ghosthunters Australia was on last year ,didn’t do anything for me,I think ghosthunters even with its changes is something I look forward to watch

  2. I am dumb founded by this, but excited. I have watched Ghost Hunters from the start, and Ghost Hunters International also. I was very disappointed when they cancelled that. I always thought there was more found in other countries than our own. If it happens it happens. It would be nice to keep both shows. I really do enjoy the Ghost Hunters people also. They have discovered many things over the past.

  3. If they take off Ghost Hunters I will never ever watch syfy again.They brought you alot of viewers over these last10 years. It would be a cruel blow to end the show. If they do end it hopefully Jason Steve and Tango will go to another channel. You never bite the hand that feeds you!

  4. I think if Ghost Hunters isn’t to return, then put it in syndication, starting with season one. I think not only will the fans watch, but you will get new ones.

  5. I agree its not the same with out Grant but Ghost Hunters still has a huge fan base. I will have no use for Syfy with out Ghost Hunters.

  6. I know Ghost Hunters has been on for 10 seasons, but there are still a lot of us that would like to see it stay on the air. In my opinion, take off Face Off, or hhelixes and put on the new show. So what if some of the crew left the team. You really can not tell us, that you can not expect changes.

  7. I think ghost hunter best I have ever. I grow up I had see ghost and feeling. Right now no more see because I grow out. But still feeling sometime. I think ghost hunters is wonder job! Should keep them show!

  8. I patiently wait for Ghost Hunters to return just to find out they may not return at all. Thats crazy! GH is my favorite show. What are they thinking. Thats the only show I watch on syfy. I hope another network picks them up. Screw syfy!

    1. I’m an avid gh watcher and I’ve been searching for the new episodes. I’m so disgusted with syfy because they’re picking up other ghost hunting shows that are so scripted and fake that they’re horrible to try and sit through an entire episode. SYFY PLEASE BRING GH BACK! IT’S THE BEST SHOW YOU HAVE!!!!!?

  9. Syfy really why take off ghost hunters! You have the best paranormal show! I here the episodes are ready to be showed ! Rumor is July let the fans know why your not playing the show ??

  10. SyFy will loose viewers. Their line up has turned to almost pure crap on shows. I used to watch SyFy daily DAILY! Cannot say when I have now days. I liked Eureka, and Warehouse was cute, Defiance is not bad but the one show that pulls us in every single week when its on is Ghost Hunters. All they show are crap movies these days. If they make another dumb move like getting rid of Ghost Hunters they will loose another household entirely. Bad move Bad bad move.

  11. GhostHunters is the ONLY reason I watch SyFy. If they cancel GH then I will have no reason to watch it at all. SyFy be forewarned: you will loose a lot of viewership if you cancel GhostHunters. Are you trying to kill your network?

    1. I think SyFy should start an offshoot channel with nothing but paranormal shows. Then they can keep the current ones going and add new ones like this Haunted Australia. SyFy used to be a good channel and I watched several times a week. Now it’s down to one night with GH or maybe a mini marathon, but that’s it. Get with it SyFy, you’re losing what’s left of your audience.

  12. They have taken all the other ones off the air I will stop watching Syfy if Ghost Hunters is also taken off the air. Time for me to go pass the word.

  13. You are taking the best show off the air thats ridiculous!!! Ghost mine was awesome and ghost hunters that started the whole damn ghost genre!! Tv wont be the same!!

  14. Does it really matter who is doing the investigating? I really like ghost hunters too. But as long as someone is doing the investigating and helping the people who is in need of their services. Then why does it really matter who is doing the investigating?

  15. If they aren’t airing Ghosthunters how do they know if the ratings have dropped? It sure beats dumb shows like Ghost Adventures. I too will not watch Syfy anymore if that happens.

  16. Are they kidding? I love ghost hunters. I look forward to each episode. If they cancel it, I will not watch the replacement show! Get a clue syfi…tun both!

  17. Ghost Hunters is my favorite show, has been for years .love it, never miss it and would gladly watch the reruns if I had to but don’t cancel it. Stay won’t be the same.

  18. Ghost Hunters is my favorite show, has been for years .love it, never miss it and would gladly watch the reruns if I had to but don’t cancel it.

  19. The only reason I ever watched the SYFY channel was to see Ghost Hunters. This is so disappointing and absolutely sucks.

  20. You know first they put on GHI and that sucked. you had scary cat Barry. then GH had Grant leave. and now you want to put this on.. What every happen to the good old day with Jay Grant Steve and Tango??? we need our GHOST HUNTER the Original!!!

  21. People have tuned out Ghost Hunters cuz they’ve been showing reruns, over and over. No new shows, people lose interest. My mom and I were both avid viewers, however, we have given up on that show too, as well as Ghost Adventures.

  22. I’ve been a fan of GH and GHI since day one and it will be great to see Rob back on TV. I’d hate to see SyFy drop GH but I can understand their ratings going down. Despite all the cast changes and recent departures, the format has changed enough that it’s just not the show it once was, least not for me. Fans no longer need lengthy explanations of equipment use or updates on what just happened. We want the meat of it. It has become the Jay Hawes show in many ways and I for one, would like to see it continue but with a format closer to the original. I’m very excited about the new addition from down under and will be eager to see it.

  23. I agree with all the posted comments. No matter who is doing the investigating it is a show well worth watching. I too will not watch ANYTHING on Syfy channel if they take Ghost Hunters off the air. Take off the other stupid shows on there like somebody else said, Face Off and stuff like that. Network people don’t know what good tv is.

  24. Ghost hunters leave I leave take off that stupid face off crap and put the the new ghost show in its place leave ghost hunters alone that helped so many with their investigations I’m so tired when I like a show and with so many viewers it gets takin off for something else really syfy leave well enough alone besides what the heck does face off have to do with syfy anyway my whole family loves ghost hunters with Jason and cast and there’s 50 or so of us that’s 50 or so rating points down for you.SO KNOCK IT OFF

  25. BIG mistake getting rid of Ghost Hunters. There will be no longer any reason to continue watching and paying for SyFy! People want REALITY,you can’t get any more real than TAPS! You can always go watch Ghost Adventures if you want to watch some made up crap but if you remove GH that will be a huge mistake!!!!!!!

  26. Ghost Hunters is the only reason that I watch SYFY. Its also the only show that i truly feel is honest about what they find. They don’t make something out of nothing.

  27. First syfy cancels Eureka which was a totally different kind of show that I loved!! Then destination truth, ghost hunters international, warehouse and now ghost hunters may be cancelled?? I agree it’s not the same since Grant left but it is still the best on air. They say it like it is unlike the other shows that are convinced every site visited is haunted. And usually by violent entities. A lot of these other shows are so fake I can’t watch them!! There will be no reason to watch this channel any longer if ghost hunters is no longer on!!!!!!!

  28. ghost hunters has been the show every other paranormal show hopes to be as good as. They work hard play hard and are 100% real and genuine . I don’t watch Syfy as much now that they’re not on. And plan on not watching at all due to this. They still have founding members with the team and could have guest investigators each week . Rob from GHI was dull at best ,so I know him with fast talking Australian investigators will be a flop .I love Australians but find myself saying ( what did he say ) a lot .. Please reconsider this poor choice ! I feel you will have a lot of people pissed. Anyone up for a signature campaign

  29. I seriously think Ghost Hunters is the best reality show on television, and I’m thankful that it’s been a success for 10 years. I personally prefer when the hunters investigate homes or areas secluded from most activity since these locations seem more intense to me. Usually performance theaters and ship investigations don’t interest me as much. I’d like a return to homes because most of us live in homes and in my opinion, those are the scariest places for ghost activity (especially attics and basements!) However if 2015 is the final year, it’s been an amazing run. I seriously hope it continues to air new episodes for several more years though.

  30. Syfy is the worst at keeping a show’s ratings up. Common sense would tell you that you can’t go six months between new episodes and expect to keep a fan base. Also, allowing producers to change the core concept of the show is another good way to loose viewers. I am still not sure how syfy channel stays on. Hopefully shows like Ghost Hunters, Haunted Highway, and Fact or Fake will find a home a different station. Syfy is the worst!!!

  31. I have been waiting since Oct for the new season of GH and then hear they may not return??!!! That’s crazy. Wednesday night use to be my favorite night of the week to watch tv due to GH being on Syfy. Everyone I know watch this show so I don’t understand it not having the ratings to continue on. I would even love to see Jason and the crew going out of the country like GHI. That would keep their schedule full for years to come. Please everyone post how you feel and end this crazy talk!!!

  32. I don’t know about any of you but I would love to see Ghost Hunters moved to Travel channel tv. It would be great to have it on Saturday night with a two hour block of it and Ghost Adventures. Ghost Hunters is the only show I to watch on SYFY and as all the others say no Ghost Hunters then Goodbye SYFY channel.

  33. It’s ROBB!!! Robb Demarest 🙂 I wish tons of success to this show and to all of them… From what i’ve read from all of them they are good people and really amazing on their expertise. So two thumbs up for the show!

  34. its a must in my house for ghost hunters. i’ve watched since show #! and have saw like 15-20 people come and go starting with Brian Harnois.I’ts a weekly ritual watching this show…pardon my english but DAMN IT…SAVE GHOST HUNTERS…It’s the networks top show and my fave of the network, please..fingers crossed KEEP THIS SHOW…YEAH I’VE HEARD ITS RIGGED AND FAKE BUT I BELIEVE for the most part they intend on being true to the field and im a beliver and belive in them, again…keep this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. this show started a crave, craze and frenzy. many shows have come and went but they remain and i hope the stay for 20 more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its been good havin them in my home weekly via t.v. and im addicted. i protest against the canellation if thats the case. i do not consent and will not stand for it 🙁 sci-fi please keep the show, do what it takes to make the ghost hunters crew happy and keep your number one show on the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Kat from 2x above…. you cant leave us like this, really cold turkey, take off your weakest show. let those fans of it down slowly or sell it to another network but Not G.H. OK, 3 COMMENTS NOW ,…I HOPE YA GOT THE POINT…SAVE THIS SHOW BLEPP BLEEP!!!!!

  37. In my opinion, the tv paranormal explosion began with GH.. They started it all.. it would be sad if this is the last season.. I couldn’t wait till Wednesday’s & ESPECIALLY the live Halloween investigations.. channel should be called SyWHY??? Will NOT watch the channel again..

  38. That is not fare. No more Ghost Hunter I guess it is because Adam, Amy, and Britt left. I had heard that AJ and Dustin was going to be in some of the rest of Season 10 episodes. I thought they had put some Episodes aside for this new year. I am through with Syfy. They take Ghost Hunters off and I will never watch the channel again. I have kept my favorite Episodes of Ghost Hunters to re watch. If they would bring the old ones back I will record them to keep and watch. I will not watch the Ghost Hunter in Australia. ONE MAD FAN. WAS SO READY FOR THE REST OF SEASON 10.

  39. SyFy will be nothing without ghost hunters. They have took off every unscripted paranormal show they have and are only interested in worthless shows like Face Off which is a joke. I am finished with the channel if ghost hunters doesn’t return soon

  40. I watched the new haunted in Australia thinking it was going to be like GH and it was nothing like it I hated it if they take GH off the air I will not watch syfy channel at all!

  41. Well, leave it to NBC, Comcast, to continually screw up by taking off the Best Shows, and airing CRAP! Look at all the Paranormal Shows they’ve canned, and I have a feeling that Ghost Hunters will be next! If that does happen, then NO MORE SYFY in this house! I thought that SYFY was ground breaking by airing paranormal shows, and is now doing a 360 to get rid of them. For what? The crap they currently have? Sharknado… Give me a break! That’s what TV is dumbing down to? I’d rather have my finger nails pulled or watch the Kartrashians (Both Painful!), than to watch the inane shows on now!

  42. I think you can gather the picture here easily enough. Fans can deal with people coming & going off the show, things happen. But Ghost Hunters is a much desired show with a HUGE fan base! You cut the show, it’s really gonna hurt your ratings! I already barely watch your channel, I tune in occasionally in hopes of finding out EXACTLY WHEN my GH will be back on air, it’s like my drug addiction & I need my fix, I’m long overdue as I’m sure most fans will agree. Get Dustin, KJ, Joe, & Jay’s daughter, along with Jay, Steve & Dave then U have enough to shoot another season & then find some more help I’ll do it!!! I’d love too! We just want our show back, a note to the crew, we’re still here for you all & waiting patiently!! Sending our love & hopes for a new season soon!! Your fans forever!!!

  43. Syfy studios is hunted the ghost are the ones canceling the show. They don’t want the taps team there. Why there are so many fans that want the show still on. I was really upset when ghost mine was cancel and now ghost hunters not fair. Guess it’s bye bye for syfy

  44. If Ghost Hunters does not come back on SyFy I’m done. In my eyes, SyFy has gone downhill big time over the years. Crappy movies and crappier shows. Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth was the only ones I watched. Destination Truth is gone and now possibly Ghost Hunters. That would be the straw that broke the camels back. I WILL BE DONE!!!!

  45. I’ve been watching Haunting Australia and im sadden to say that it is HORRIBLE! I was so hoping for a great show but the opening music set the tone. Its so cheesy. Then you have the narrator trying desperately to sound spooky as he speaks practically throughout the whole show. The cast is pretty cool besides the only American Rob Demerest. He is just ridiculous. This show looks like something that may have aired briefly in the 80s or 90s. A complete disappointment.

  46. Ghost Hunting Australia, or whatever the show is called, is horrible in my opinion. I watched it twice, hoping the second time it was better, it wasn’t.

    For being unscripted, they sure as heck come up with stuff that is fake as crap.

    I love Ghost Hunters, and I know all televisions have a shelf life, but good Casper SyfY, don’t let Ghost Hunting Australia be the new staple show, ill puke. I’d rather watch back to back to back episodes of horrible CG snakes eating Debbie Gibson and Tiffany.

  47. Removing GH is a bad move and syfi should know that. My dvr was set to record. People come and go, big deal it’s not a good enough reason to cancel. I’ve heard nothing of the rest of the team wanting to quit filming the show.
    If it were Jason, Dave and Steve wanting to move on to other things, I’d understand and wish them well. But that’s not the case.
    I hope another station picks it up and GH continues. There’s not a ghost or evil demon behind every dark corner and that is what made GH thrive. They did an honest investigation, sometimes they had evidence and sometimes they didn’t. Sometimes it was electrical boxes with too much emf or pipes under the house making banging noises.
    Then there was the little girl “they don’t want us here”.
    Remove it and you remove a 1.4 million viewer base. Can you really afford that? Is it worth it to add 3 new shows to try to make up what you’ve lost by removing GH?
    Bring it back and see what happens. Loose it and loose over a million viewers, balls in your court.

  48. I am Very saddened and disappointed that Ghost Hunters has been replaced by a show as bad as that dumb guy who yells at the ghost and that every hunting the ghost say his name. ( ghost adventure or something like that.) Ghost hunters was the only reason I turned my TV on on wed night. only show I watched on Syfy. This new show sucks. please bring back Ghost Hunters !!!! At least they were real. Ive been to the spot they did a show on in Savannah GA. Before they did the show.

  49. Where is Season 10 of Ghost Hunters? I am SO fed up with watching repeats. I can almost repeat them word for word!
    New episodes Please!

  50. I love watching ghost hurters i started a few years ago watching after my stepfather pass away i was having a sence that was there watching me and his grandkids grow up

  51. I have been disappointed with GH for a few years when Grant Wilson left and then Amy Bruni and Adam Berry left. Last year’s shows really didn’t catch much. Jason and Grant had a great rapport and now it’s not that good.
    I get felling that Grant and Jason friendship has suffered.

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