American’s favorite paranormal duo, Adam Berry and Amy Bruni, is back in action as...
Adam Berry
Ghost Hunters obtained exclusive coverage of the Ghost Hunt Weekends’ Sloss Furnaces Ghost...
For all those “Ghost Hunters” fans out there, don’t miss Wednesday’s episode on the...
Check out this sneak peak of Season 9 of Ghost Hunters premieres Wednesday, June 12 at...
Adam Berry from Ghost Hunters and Joe Chin from Ghost Hunters International will be...
The Ghost Hunters team visited the Rundel Library last August in an attempt to uncover...
Adam Berry, paranormal investigator on SyFy’s hit paranormal reality show “Ghost Hunters“, announced that he was gay during...
A member of the “Ghost Hunters” camera crew found out what it feels like to get...
In an online article posted today, quote…. When Adam Berry announced he was gay on the last episode...