Las Vegas paranormal investigator Zak Bagans, who hosts the hit Travel Channel series “Ghost Adventures,” is heading to Goodsprings for part of the new Season 8 filming.
“They have been experiencing a ton of paranormal phenomena, so we will investigate a few locations, including Pioneer Saloon and the crash site that left Clark Gable’s wife and 18 others dead,” he told me.
“Our knowledge and research has evolved tremendously in the department of spirit communication, and we will attempt to make contact with the spirits there and find out who is still haunting the area and see if we can get more answers about the afterlife.
“Recently, we made contact with a woman’s deceased mother. She was skeptical of our investigation until we were able to get her mother to speak their secret code word, validating the spirit as her mother. It is one of our most compelling moments in spirit communication.”
Zak, who also hosts “Paranormal Challenge,” is planning to expand his highly rated productions shot from here, and we’ll report it first when the green light is official.
Read more: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/may/08/zak-bagans-and-ghost-adventures-head-goodsprings-p/#ixzz2TIJnPojK
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Love you guys !!!! Always welcome here in San Antonio !!!
Last show left me worried about you guys. Did u meet with a priest after Halloween show?