American’s favorite paranormal duo, Adam Berry and Amy Bruni, is back in action as...
Amy Bruni
For all those “Ghost Hunters” fans out there, don’t miss Wednesday’s episode on the...
Check out this sneak peak of Season 9 of Ghost Hunters premieres Wednesday, June 12 at...
Rumors that Amy Bruni has been fired from Ghost Hunters have been circulating on...
According to a brand-new news release, Ghost Hunters, which was initially slated to return...
Unlike many paranormal investigators who warn that Ouija boards can be dangerous, Amy Bruni...
The Ghost Hunters team visited the Rundel Library last August in an attempt to uncover...
The “Ghost Hunters” family gained its youngest member this week when Amy Bruni’s baby...
A member of the “Ghost Hunters” camera crew found out what it feels like to get...
Ghost Hunters has learned from an article with the Examiner that, quote… “Amy...