Groff and Weidman of Paranormal Lockdown
On October 28th, Paranormal Lockdown will celebrate Halloween by showcasing an investigation at the notorious Black Monk House. Show stars Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman will send time investigating the location in an attempt to capture evidence of the home’s haunted repute. John Zaffis, from the Haunted Collector, will provide analysis for the event. The Black Monk House, located in Pontefract, Yorkshire, England, holds the claim as the most violent poltergeist haunting in recorded history.
The Halloween special was announced at Comic-Con this past Friday during a panel of paranormal superstars which included Amy Bruni and Adam Berry as well as Zaffis, Groff, and Weidman. The investigation is to be the headliner of Destination America’s Ghostober, which is defined as a month long series of paranormal programing.

The incidents that allowed the location to claim the title of most violent stems back to the 1960’s when the Pritchard family moved into the home. Shortly after settling, odd happenings began around the house. In the beginning, the Pritchard’s took these evens rather lightheartedly. Things such as puddles of water appearing on the floor with no explanation and white powder falling through the air as if it was snowing inside the home were reported. Green foam would run from the water tap, and items around the home would be thrown but in a non-threatening manner. At one point, it was stated that a pair of gloves moved about the home, interacting with people as if someone invisible where wearing them. The family named their unseen guest Fred.
The activity inside the home was, at times, sporadic. The family would sometimes go months without having anything unusual happen in the home. But at the years passed, the events became more regular and also more malicious. Larger items moved around the home such as chest of drawers and other bits of furniture. Loud booming noises began to fill the air. Inverted crosses would appear on the walls. A black entity hovered over the Pritchards in their beds. They described the form as wearing clothing much like a medieval monk. The family reached out for help from paranormal investigators as well as the Catholic Church, who performed multiple exorcisms in the home without resolve.
And then, with no explanation and no prompting, the whole thing stopped.
Paranormal investigator Tom Cuniff spent time investigating the history of the home to find that the grounds were once those of a small monastery and that the gallows for the town were located directly across the street from where the home now stands. He also discovered that a monk from the monastery was hung there for the rape and murder of a young girl.
While the home has been empty for some time, paranormal investigators often visit the home only to stay no more than a few days. Weidman and Groff will attempt to break this trend as they hold up inside the home.
“There are few locations in the world that frighten me to investigate, and the Black Monk House has a strong energy pull like nothing else I’ve ever researched,” Groff has stated. “The history of the land holds a massive amount of bloodshed, and the house has a heart still pumping the negative forces continuing to harm the living.”
Cast and crew have already reported paranormal occurrences happening on the property as they prepare for filming.
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Hi my name is Michael faulder from Cumbria Ave got a ghost hunting team could paranormal seeker’s wigton me an my brother did 30 easy drive last year and put up cctv inside the house and I have got sum breth tacking futger from that night and sum good evps but I don’t know what there saying…but trust me they is sum thing in that house
Felling great nowing there PEOPLE believe like I do.
“…got sum breth tacking futger..”,”…sum good evps..”,”…sum thing…” I don’t understand a fucking word you are saying, are you some kind of a joke, are we to take anything you have investigated serious? Stop posting stupid shit dude and get your act together.