There is a wealth of paranormal reality TV shows available on television. From shows that detail haunted...
Ghost Hunters News
A&E’s “Ghost Hunters” reality TV group visited Cape Girardeau’s noteworthy Glenn House to examine...
host Hunters returns to A & E on Wednesday, April 8. In the Season...
If you search for adult videos, there are probably hundreds of racy Ghostbusters parodies...
Paranormal fans and those who enjoy scaring themselves can rejoice: The Ghost Hunters reboot is...
Reviewed by Steven Parsons This is a book that has already received a great...
Ghost Hunters' Grant Wilson TV Show Crew Visits Arizona.
Since the early 2000s, paranormal reality shows have dominated the TV landscape, taking audiences...
According to a TMZ post, it looks like dark and macabe collector Zak Bagans...
Looks like another paranormal show is announced for the Travel Channel’s line up of...